A financial statement is essential to understanding your finances and applying for a loan. Organizing and keeping your data safe can be difficult. With the Aster Key mobile app, your financial data is secure, beautifully arranged, and at your fingertips.
Aster Key is a mobile app where you can anonymize and update your financial data. It’s like being your own credit agency. Securely store all the data you will need for any loan, and have complete control over who you share it with. Aster Key is convenient and easy to use.
Consumers are frustrated with how lenders collect information. The process is redundant and unsafe. In the future, lenders will pre-approve you for a loan using your anonymous Aster Key financial statement.
Aster Key masks your personal identity. We decentralize and verify data on your mobile phone – making you the source of truth. Even Aster Key does not have access to your data.
Self-directed individuals who already manage their finances
Blockchain enthusiasts who value privacy and data security
Customers of companies that have been hacked seeking better solutions
Well-off borrowers that bristle at redundant data requests from lenders
Business users required to submit annual financial statements
Individuals frustrated with having to fill out multiple credit applications